Gala premiilor Business Review (4 martie 2010)

Evenimentul, organizat de Business Review, va avea loc pe 4 martie, Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel, in Bucuresti.

Aceasta este cea de-a V-a editie a galei de premiere organizate de Business Review pentru a celebra cele mai importante realizari in business din anul 2009, companiile si oamenii care au stat in spatele lor.

Juriul acestei editii este format din: Steven van Groningen - Raiffeisen Bank, Mariana Gheorghe - Petrom, Peter Jansen - Cohn&Jansen, Oliver Olson - CEU Business School, George Alberts - KD Investments, Ion Florescu - New Europe Capital, Matei Paun - BAC Romania, George Mucibabici-Deloitte Romania, Alexandra Gatej - Consilier prezidential, Eva-Simone Perauer - Casa Austria, Friedrich Niemann - Athénée Palace Hilton, Sorana Savu - Premium Communications.

Printre categoriile din acest an se numara: Clean business award, On-line project of the year award, Customer focus strategy award, Entrepreneur of the year award, Sustainable business practices award, Business leader of the year, Deal of the year award, Effective marketing award, Excellence in business award.

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